Royal Spotlight // Kathy Ngo

Royal Spotlight // Kathy Ngo

How did I get here:

Kathy Ngo 

When we first came into contact with you, you were heavily engaged in photography. Since, we’ve noticed you have started to dabble into modeling. How would you describe the transition?

I think the transition was something necessary for me, as I am a huge advocate for style. Clothing speaks volumes in pictures. As a photographer, I would obsess over perfecting the little things that come with getting the right visuals. So eventually I decided to get on the other side of the camera, to not only have a better understanding of what I can do to better my craft as a photographer, but also it is a overall good feeling that I can find more ways to be productive.


The positive energy that you bring to the that something that you have been focusing on more as of late or is that how you've always carried yourself?

It's not something I necessarily focus on. You don't ever want to your actions to come off as fake or forced, but it is definitely something you have to work on especially in situations when you are having a bad day. Whether the negative energy is coming from stress of work, school, or a creation, you just have to know how to pick yourself up from time to time and bounce back.

What enticed you to pick up the camera?

I started off taking pictures with my iPhone in my spare time when I was 16. It could literally be anything, especially from a scenery standpoint, I would take pictures of it; Sky, grass, Nature ect. The moment I decided I wanted to transition into taking photos of people, was when I discovered various local photography meets via Instagram. After going to a few, this group from San Francisco called Flask Mob hosted a meet in LA where a hundred or so more came. This was one of the craziest networking experiences I’ve had in my life and it led me to have the utmost confidence in my ability to do photography.


Who or what inspires you to continue pursuing your creative ambitions?

I think the person who has always been a huge inspiration of mine is Marilyn Hue. She started off local in the Inland Empire working for the store Attic. She was someone who I could instantly relate to being a female as well as her ethnic background being Asian. You didn't see a lot of that when I was growing up and now she's an independent photographer.


Since our previous encounter we’ve seen you’ve been involved with the hundreds. When and how were you presented the opportunity to be a representative for The Hundreds?

Each brand has their own reps for certain stores. They emailed our store asking if anyone had interest in being an ambassador for them. So I was the first person to say I'll try it out. So I basically take care of The Hundreds section in the store by putting together Instagram posts for promotion. I actually have started doing more than that outside the shop including promoting whatever new clothing they release. My main concern is not receiving free clothes on occasion, although I do enjoy those types of gestures. I do it for the actual experience and maybe some day that will take me places. I have started attending their events and from that I have began meeting people who work for their company’s marketing department. I am going to keep at it because you never know where an opportunity of this caliber will lead you in the future.

What's your experience been like being immersed in an environment like The Hundreds?

The environment was phenomenal. You understand quickly come to realize that these people know how to operate in this industry and how they’ve gotten to be the company they are today. Being around them has helped me get a better grasp of how to go about promotion. Meeting these people also changes how you approach others. You quickly learn it's nothing like hanging out with your friends. It has been encouraging to receive positive feedback from the marketing team, mentioning that they’ve heard so much about me and they truly believe in my potential. That’s a feeling that definitely propels you to move forward.

What are some of your Goals for the future?

I think my main goal is to devote my time to working at active until I have earned my degree. I also would like to continue working as a brand ambassador for The Hundreds to further my experience, and maybe one day that will result in collaborating with other notable brands in the future.

Name: Kathy Ngo

Hometown: Ontario, CA

Age: 19

Occupation: Student/Sales Associate/ The Hundreds Brand Ambassador 

Instagram: @kathyngo

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